GW Hull Commercial Electrician Firm Continue To Support Local Community
News & Announcements

GW Power are continuing to support the local community

GW Power are continuing to support the local community

GW Power are not only passionate about being the best electrical contractors in Hull, we are also passionate and dedicated to supporting and sponsoring sporting groups within the local community.

Continuing to be involved in many campaigns to encourage and come together with local sporting groups. This includes attending football and boxing events.

Sponsoring two youth football teams: Longhill Ravens and the Hessle Sporting Stingrays whilst supporting their young aspiring football players. GW are also main sponsor for Hull professional boxer, Connor Coghill.

There is a positive relationship with these sporting clubs. This involves working closely with these groups and staying in contact regarding, future events they might be hosting.

GW Power-Safe are committed to focusing on sponsorships and devote time to being involved in the local community.

Local sponsorship programs will continue, especially as the company continues to grow.

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