We Are Lighting Up the Hull Vigil | GW Power-Safe Commercial Electricians
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We are lighting up the Hull vigil

We are lighting up the Hull vigil

We are proud and excited to be lighting up the unique Hull Vigil.

Here at GW Power, we are delighted to be one of the local businesses involved in the delivery of the Hull project.

We are installing the feature lighting fixtures to ensure the Vigil is lit up during both sunrise, and sunset.

The structure will also be completely illuminated with temporary lighting to ensure the safety of its visitors.

The Vigil is a community project developed by Hull Freedom Festival, which is built within Hull for the people of Hull.

The wooden and glass structure is located on top of the Hull College building for 365 days, premiering a performance of Hull coming back to life.

Our commercial electricians have been working hard on site, ensuring all installations are completed to a professional standard. It is a great opportunity for us as a company to be involved in the local project which showcases our competence.

The Vigil viewing will start on 3rd May 2021 and finish at the same time next year.

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